Life as a Bakers Wife

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Pictures

I promised Christmas Pictures, so that's what I have been working on. For this LO I used Penny Springmann's "Cocoa Mallow Stick" kit and her Holiday Worn Overlays.
The kiddos are opening their bikes. Well at least AJ was. Nate was opening tires that he thought were for his old bike and was really disappointed when he realized they were the wrong size. After we let him mope a little while we gave him the rest of the bike that we had hidden in the dining room and he was so excited.

Here is our tree Christmas Eve right after Santa arrived

and here we are before the kiddos got home. I really love my tree its small and personal and for the last few years that's what I needed in the small space that we had. Maybe next year we will get a bigger one and I can put one in my dining room. I guess we will see what next year brings.


LuAnn said...

love your smaller tree! makes it look like there are more presents!! I need to use up my photos of our tree with the gifts piled underneath. Hope your Christmas was a good one!