Life as a Bakers Wife

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Kit: 100% Recycled

I finished up another fun filled work week, and am so ready for a few days off! The boys came home from their Dad's and that made me incredibly happy! I miss them so much when they are gone. They were very excited to come home and find that while they were gone their laptops for school arrived. I think they are really starting to get excited for school to start.
I have been trying really hard to keep up with the challenges at SSD this month, but I just can't seem to be able to stay on task with so much going on. we are constantly running lately to all sorts of appointments. Nate and his broken wrist, AJ and his braces, and now Nate goes this week to get his spacers on to get ready for his braces (poor boy) throw in work and some odds and ends things to get ready for school and time just gets away from you.
Before I go I wanted to share this fabulous new kit by Penny Springmann called "100% Recycled" I absolutely love the color scheme! Here is a LO I did using it and a template by Bree Clarkson "Inspired by: Sarah Gleason"
All are available at Sweet Shoppe Designs!
Of course my sweet adorable little niece (seen in above LO) fell of the monkey bars this week and hurt her foot! Poor Sweet Heart! The Doctors don't think it is broken, but she has to keep it in a boot type thing till she goes to her appointment Tuesday to have it re checked. Here is praying that all heals well for her and she can get the boot of and get back to running around like a crazy girl :)
Well that's about it for now! Its been a long day I think I am headed off to bed! Goodnight all!