Life as a Bakers Wife

Monday, June 22, 2009


I know Vinny is now almost six moths old and here I am scrapbooking his shower! Well you see I got this new Pirate Kit from Penny called "Argh!" and since Becca's shower had a pirate like theme tada! anyway here is my latest page!
It's been pretty blah here! Nothing too exciting going on. I have to work like everyday but today since Kim is on vacation, but so be it. At least I got the two 12 hour days in a row out of the way the rest should be easy!
Nate is having a Scrimmage game on Tuesday and a makeup game on Thursday and that should conclude the regular season for the year, then on to all stars! Yippee
Well I guess I shall be off for now must work on the never ending laundry pile of doom!