Life as a Bakers Wife

Monday, December 29, 2008

My Nephew has Arrived!!!

Well after several weeks of multiple false labors two trys at induction (both times they tried to induce her cervix just was not ready) last night my sister went in for another try of the Cervidil and started having contractions like mad at 3:30 this morning they let her go till about 5:30 and still no progress and the contrations were extremely hard so her Dr. had them give her something to slow down the contractions and by 5:45 she was on her way to the OR for a C-section the little guy was too big to handle the contractions any longer and she was in so much pain. It turns out she was very close to rupturing her uterus but she didnt and all went well and at 6:19 this morning we welcomed out newest addition to the family my beautiful nephew

Vincent Michael Marinacci
born December 29, 2008
8lbs 6oz 21 1/2 inches long

he was on oxygen all day because he had some fluid on the lungs but at about 9:15 this evening all the oxygen come off and mom was holding him and feeding him for the first time.


LuAnn said...

He's gorgeous Kris! Congrats on becoming an Aunt!!