Life as a Bakers Wife

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Looky, Looky!

I scrapped again today! This was an all day affair too! I had to keep my feet up most of the day to try and get the swelling to go down. But every so often I would have to get up and move around cause I was getting sore. So I worked on this LO bit by bit all day long. Isn't my niece adorable! I love her to bits and pieces!

It is sad that my January folder has a total of 2 LO's done all month! Wow where has my mojo gone and if you see it will you send it home?
Nate has to go back to the foot Doctor tomorrow. His big toe is really infected. I kind of feel bad cause I told him it was fine the other day when he got back from his dad's but in my defense it wasn't even pink looking. Now the whole toe is bright red. I hope they get it fixed up for him. He has such bad luck with his feet.
I think AJ and his little girlfriend are going to the movies tomorrow to see the "Tooth Fairy". Sounds like fun.
I will be at work slaving away for over 160 unappreciative starving people. I don't think it will be fun at all. Oh well its a paycheck.
Well that's about all the excitement for now. Goodnight and I will see what I can do about scrapping some more. But don't hold your breath.