I know Halloween isn't even here yet and here I am looking up Christmas crafts. Actually I didn't go looking for them they just kind of found me.
This first one is pretty neat and so something the kids could do (Well maybe not Vinnie, but he could try) You wrap string with stiffener around a water balloon. These would make fabulous ornaments or look really great in a big glass container as decoration.

This one is done smaller only it is done on a parchment wrapped styrofoam cone and wrapped in raffia (I didn't know they made colored raffia) Anyway another thing I think the kiddos could do.

This one instantly made me think of Emberly! Snowflakes made out of noodles! OSIM! I think these would look really cool tied on to packages as ornaments or even strung together as garland.

That's all for now! I'm going to keep my eyes peeled for new exciting stuff.
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