I thought it turned out kinda neat! Now to get AJ to do his.
and this is the hospital
We have to take him back next Tuesday to see how he's doing and I guess go from there. They said originally 4 to 6 weeks I imagine that depends on how quickly he heals. It's been quite and adjustment for him since he is right handed but he is managing.
Thanks so much for keeping my buddy in your prayers its gonna be a long tough road for him. I guess once he is all done with the cast he will have to go through some physical therapy to regain strength in his wrist. He is disappointed that now that summer weather has shown up he isn't allowed to swim or get his cast wet, also fishing is out for a bit, and bike riding and well lots of other fun things. Not easy things for a 13 year old to hear.
Well I am off to do something productive, I'm not sure what but I need to get my rear end away from the computer....lol. Good night!
They all ended up soaking wet! But had lots of fun!