I Love You Alan! Happy Anniversary!!
(Credits: "Zoom" by Penny Springmann available at SSD)
Our trip to "Fun Fore All" for Father's Day several years back
(Credits: "Pop Goes the World" by Dani Mogstad available at SSD)
(Credits: "Still One of the Gang" by Lauren Grier, Shawna Clingerman, and Micheline Martin and is available at SSD)
and here he is now! Look how handsome! I know the days ahead are gonna be bumpy, but things started out for him rough so he will be just fine!
(Credits: "Pet Names" by Penny Springman available at SSD)
(Credits: "Little C' by Melissa Bennett available at SSD)
(Credits: "Sleepy Sheep" by Christy Lyle available at SSD)
So thats what I have for you, for now. I need to get my sister to send me some pics of Emmie and the boy's birthday. hint hint! So now I am off to go eat my fabulous Chicken Quesadilla dinner.
Allan James 6lb 13oz. 21.5 inches
He had a little bit of a rough go of it, his lungs were underdeveloped and he had to be life flighted to Pittsburgh where they could care for him better. He stayed in the NICU for a few weeks and on May 2, 1997 he came home. He was the absolutely most loving baby, and a good baby too. Not too much has changed in the past twelve years. He is still the most caring and loving child, and so far pretty good. Of course he still has been having a rough go of it. Because of his premature lungs he suffers from asthma and this year has been especially hard on him.
So here is my boy now (well on Easter) almost a teenager! Time flies, it seems like just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital. He has gone from a blue dinosaur, Winnie the pooh, batman loving toddler to a Crazy video game playing, bike riding, soccer playing, brother harassing pre teen. I Love who he is! He makes me proud! And no matter what he will always be my baby!
Happy Birthday AJ!!!!
Don't you just love it! Oh yes Gina that is you right behind me!
I did one more LO last night, it was for the journaling challenge at SSD. I had to write a Haiku (or well try to) so here you go. Oh and isn't his outfit just awesome! I wonder where he got such cool clothes! wink wink!
You Are an Easter Egg |
You're so sweet, you don't need candy. You much prefer the taste of artificial coloring instead. |
I thought they turned out pretty cute, much better than just plain aluminum foil anyday. Well Happy Easter to all. Take care and enjoy your Families!
Next I have a scrapbook page I did of Mr. Vinny and his first visit with the Easter Bunny! Pretty Exciting!
Next is something pretty cool I have been working on. Kim and I made our Easter candy last night and I made this cute box to put them in. I am still trying to work out the little details but here is what I have so far.