Friday, January 30, 2009
Rolling Over?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Go to your photos folder in your computer.Go to the 6th folder of photos.Go to the sixth picture in that folder.Put the picture on your blog and description of it.Invite six friends to join the challenge.Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenged
This is my niece Emberly and her little friend she met while camping. They are on their way to the beach to swim and play swamp monster.
Now to tag six friends (I dont know if I know 6 people to tag) I will come back to that
Monday, January 26, 2009
Vinny Day!

Thursday, January 22, 2009
My Crazy Day

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Winter Band Concert

As you see he plays the trombone. I was very surprised when he came home and told me that was the instrument he wanted, but he really does well with it. I am so very proud of him. Music was always a big part of my life growing up and I always hoped that part of that would rub of on my kids. So seeing him enjoying band and not doing it cause he thinks it makes me happy means a lot to me.
It's getting late and its been a long day so I am off to bed. Goodnight!
Monday, January 19, 2009
A Good Deal
So I want to Target the other day and found this adorable outfit for Baby Vinny. It was Classic Pooh cordouroy pants with a little button down shirt and sweater vest. Regular price $19.99, clearance price $4.75 WOW! Right? So I picked it up for him, along with some other awesome clearence goodies, and boy does he look adorable in it. So I did what any good Auntie would do. I scrapped it! and here it is using "Can You Dig It?" by Scrapkitchen Designs and Heather Roselli
3 Weeks Old
Oh and one more thing
What a great game last night!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
What Kind of Shopper?......
You Are a Discount Shopper |
It's partially because you like to save money, but it's also because you like the thrill of finding a fabulous deal. Of all the types, you tend to shop frequently but rarely by. You keep an eye on prices. Brand names are not that important to you. You know how to have style without collecting designer tags. |
We all knew that one was coming! Hey I am proud to say that I love a good clearance sticker. Some of my favorite things I have gotten on Clearance. So if you wanna know what kind of shopper you are go check it out.
Sweetest Heart

Here is another LO I did using this amazing kit called "My Funny Valentine"
My niece Emberly is such a little ham, she has some of the craziest faces. These are some of the amazing pictures her mom took of her last year for Valentines Day.
Tonight was our family craft night and we decided on our project for next week. They are these really cute flowers made of fabric. I will have to post a picture of how they turn out when we are done. It's really nice getting together with my mom and sisters and doing stuff like that. We have a good time and its neat to see how different each others projects turn out.
Well its snowing like crazy outside again, I am beginning to wonder if it will ever warm up. I think its time to go find a warm blanket and curl up under it. Have a good night!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
The Man I Love

photo's by Cherished Photography
Well that's it for tonight besides the start of American Idol, however hubby got bored with it and watched the Penguin's beat the Flyer's. Go Penn's!!
Organization Take 1

Monday, January 12, 2009
Let it Snow

Good Luck Guys.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Family Tree
and here is what I have done with it

I used a template from Free Digital Templates for this 2008 Year in review page. What a great way to use some of those pictures you never got to do much with and remember the highlights of the year.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Midnight Project
now off to bed with me. Goodnight
Thursday, January 8, 2009
New Years Resolutions and a Sneak Peak!
I will have to keep you updated on how this is going. Not only do I think this is good for me, but I really want to help the boys do better too. In order to do that I should set a better example for them.
OK, I promised a sneak peak! Coming to soon to Gotta Pixel is an awesome new kit by Karen Lewis. Here is a LO using this new kit
I have been on quite a roll with my scrapping lately, which is good, but tonight I think I shall take a break. It's Grey's Anatomy night and ER. If you live in my house you know not to even bother trying to talk to me on Thursdays from 9:00pm till 11:00pm. So I'm off to eat dinner and get ready for my shows. Have a great night and stay warm!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
New Release Preview
and here is a layout by me using this kit.

My beautiful niece and her friend making cupcakes together at their sleepover.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
A Challenge
and here is my take on this amazing LO! "Today in the World"

I thought it would be cute to have a page in my nephews album that told him a little about the day he was born.
So go check out the Maniac's Blog and join in our challenge! Its a great way to help that creativity block disappear!
Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Christmas Pictures

Here is our tree Christmas Eve right after Santa arrived
Saturday, January 3, 2009
He's Home!

Now what I really need to be doing is scrap booking my Christmas pictures, but its so hard when this precious little guy's pictures scream scrap me! So now I promise my next post will be of my Christmas pictures.
Oh and by the way HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!