Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas Memories

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Mr. Cool is so cool!
Now that the holiday is over, I would really like to try and catch up on my scrapbooking. I guess I spent way too much time working on finishing Christmas gifts. (I hope Everyone liked them)
I love Emberly's snowman! He is so adorable, and to think he was done in an evening snow. So here is "Mr. Cool" Emberly's so AWESOME snowman!
Thats all for tonight. Maybe I will have more tommorrow...you never know.
I love Emberly's snowman! He is so adorable, and to think he was done in an evening snow. So here is "Mr. Cool" Emberly's so AWESOME snowman!

Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
AJ's Christmas Dance
I know I am just as surprised at the rest of you that I haven't yet posted about my baby's first Christmas dance. Well that's because Gina told me I had to wait till she fixed the pictures. Well she fixed the important one and I know she is a busy busy girl so here I am anyway.
Here are the flowers AJ bought for her.
Countdown To Christmas : Day 8
Tonight the boys and I popped some popcorn, poured some Sugar Cookie Eggnog and plopped in front of the TV for the new Disney special "Prep and Landing" It was really cute, but the boys and I agree, it was too short they should have made an entire movie out of it. So here is today's page

Countdown to Christmas : Day 8 Prep and Landing

Countdown To Christmas : Day 7
Yesterday kind of on the spur of the moment I decided to do a gingerbread village with the kiddos. Since Alan and Mike went to the Penguin Game last night (Thanks Gina!) Kimmy came over to hang out after work. Gina had a half day of work so her and Emmie showed up too! Then next thing you know mom came over. It was nice having everyone over, If I had known I could have had Becca and Vinny over. But anyway, every year we try and do some kind of Gingerbread Creation. it was so much fun and interesting seeing how each others turned out.

Countdown to Christmas : Day 7 Gingerbread Houses

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Countdown To Christmas : Day 6
Today was kind of a lazy day in the Baker house. I slept till like 11:30 this morning, WOW! I dont know why but it felt good. We wanted to get started on Christmas cookies, but with having to take Jess home early this evening we just ran out of time. I did manage to get one batch of peanut butter blossoms out of Alan though. They are never going to make it till Christmas, heck we will be lucky if they make it till tommorrow.
AJ had a wonderful time at the dance and decided to ask Lyinze to be his girlfriend! Great just what I need. LOL! Im glad he had such a goot time though!
So here is todays countdown page!
Countdown to Christmas: Day 6 Baking Day (take one)

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Countdown To Christmas : Days 4 and 5
I haven't forgotten my Countdown days, I am just running a little behind. I was having some problems getting these last two pages to be just what I wanted. I think I am happy with the way they turned out.
Tonight was AJ's very first Dance. He asked his friend Lyinze to be his "date" and she accepted. They both looked so nice and had a wonderful time.

Tonight was AJ's very first Dance. He asked his friend Lyinze to be his "date" and she accepted. They both looked so nice and had a wonderful time.
Countdown to Christmas Day 4 : Ornament Tradition

Countdown to Christmas Day 5 : Christmas Dance

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Countdown To Christmas : Day 3
Today was nothing too fantastic. Went to work, came home, ate spaghetti, watched the hockey game (We Won!) and not too much else. The boys went out to their dad's so Nate could go hunting in the morning. I hope he gets his deer! I had to send AJ too, I just cant trust him to stay on task alone.
So today's countdown page is more of my decorations. Things that make my home feel like Christmas. I love my little snowman buddies. I actually can remember painting them. I don't remember how old I was, but I remember mine is the boy one. (Figures Kim got the girl!) We didn't think it was right to break up the set so we agreed I could have them. So here is today's page
Countdown to Christmas : Day 3 More Decorations

Countdown To Christmas : Day 2
Today I spent most of the evening Christmas shopping with Kim. We had fun and I found a few things but I still have a long way to go. Being that I obviously cant take a picture of my treasures from this evening I thought I would share some of my favorite Christmas decorations. I still have a ways to go with the whole decorating thing but here are a few I do have up. so here we have
Countdown to Christmas: Day 2 Favorite Decorations

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Countdown To Christmas : Day 1
Today is December 1st, which means Christmas is almost here. I love Christmas time, I really want to be able to enjoy the season with the kids this year! Before I know it they will be all grown up and gone and I will have missed doing things with them that I wanted to. One of the things I am going to try and do is a countdown to Christmas album. I got page 1 done today, its about our Christmas tree. So check it out
Christmas Countdown 2009 : December 1
Christmas Countdown 2009 : December 1
Hopefully I can stick to it and have a really cool album when I am done. I think that would be really neat.
Nate has been out for two days now and still no deer. I know he can be a little loud out there, but I really do hope someday soon he will get his first one. AJ was not able to get out this year. The Dr. thought maybe it would be better to wait a little while since he is still recovering from the H1N1 (swine flu)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Oh Christmas Tree
I got a beautiful new Christmas tree this year! For the last several years I have had a multi colored light tree. My hubby said that you should have colors for the kids. But now my kids are growing up and I am sure they care less about the color of the lights than what is underneath it Christmas morning. The other thing about Christmas trees past is that I never really had a lot of room for a bigger tree and there for was stuck with the smaller slimmer versions. Don't get me wrong I have loved my past trees, but this year I was ready for a change. So here is my beautiful new tree!
and here it is all lit up! Well all but the star we have to get an extension cord so we can plug it in.
and these are my beautiful new ornaments that I bought to go on the new tree.
I did get the boys their ornaments, but they haven't been home to see them or put them on the tree yet, so I will show them off later.
So there you go there is our tree, now let the Christmas Season begin!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Turkey Day!
It has been so long since I have actually posted on here. I know! I am slacking! But In my defense my household was hit pretty good with the dreaded "Swine" Flu! I know there I go swearing on my blog. Technically AJ was the only one tested, but being that he came back positive I guess its pretty safe to assume we all had it. It was horrible too, The aches where the absolute worst ever! But we have all since recovered and turned in our curly tails.
Today is Thanksgiving! We had a wonderful dinner at Kim and Mike's, boy can they cook! Hours later and I am still stuffed to the top. I love spending time with my family, after all that's what holidays are for. I am so Thankful for all of my family. For Alan, he is an incredible husband! He went to work for me today so that I could enjoy the holiday. I love him SO much! For my boys! They are amazing little men. I am so thankful to have been blessed with two wonderful kids whom so far haven't given me too much trouble. (I don't want to count my chickens...lol) I am Thankful for my parents who are always there for us whether it we need to borrow the GPS or just an ear for listening. Then there are my sisters, I love them all in their own special little ways and I hope you all know it!
Well it has been a very long day, and I think I might try and brave the crowds before I head off to work tomorrow so I guess I should hit the sack. Oh yeah I scrapbooked a page! It is from many moons ago when I was a junior in high school. I found this picture from a friend on FB and well I knew I had to do something with it
Today is Thanksgiving! We had a wonderful dinner at Kim and Mike's, boy can they cook! Hours later and I am still stuffed to the top. I love spending time with my family, after all that's what holidays are for. I am so Thankful for all of my family. For Alan, he is an incredible husband! He went to work for me today so that I could enjoy the holiday. I love him SO much! For my boys! They are amazing little men. I am so thankful to have been blessed with two wonderful kids whom so far haven't given me too much trouble. (I don't want to count my chickens...lol) I am Thankful for my parents who are always there for us whether it we need to borrow the GPS or just an ear for listening. Then there are my sisters, I love them all in their own special little ways and I hope you all know it!
Well it has been a very long day, and I think I might try and brave the crowds before I head off to work tomorrow so I guess I should hit the sack. Oh yeah I scrapbooked a page! It is from many moons ago when I was a junior in high school. I found this picture from a friend on FB and well I knew I had to do something with it
We had such a good time with this show! Wow its hard to believe that was over 15 years ago!
Friday, November 6, 2009
It's beginning to look a lot like...........
Hey look! I scrapped! Maybe I should clean it up! LOL! Its like 1am please ignore my horrible attempts at humor. I did however scrap a page to share! (There have been some other secret things going on behind the scenes, but shhhhh! they are secrets!)
so check it out
I know I am 1. either way too early for this Christmas, or 2. Really, really late for last Christmas. but as my wonderful mother pointed out to me tonight there are something like 50 shopping days till Christmas. Well off to bed with me, I think it might be safer for all those involved. Good Night.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Jack-O-Lantern Time!
So Emberly could not wait to dig into her pumpkin and pull out the "Noodles" Yeah...until she stuck her hand inside and pulled out a handful of...yuck!
Nate did pretty good for being a left handed. I got him a battery powered pumpkin cutter. Yippee!
AJ had way too much fun with the pumpkin cutter...lol
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