Today Nathan marched in Kittanning's Memorial Day parade. It was so super hot out there! For those of you who did not make it downtown today I got a few pictures.
Here comes the Kittanning Senior High Marching Band!

They played "Patriotic Parade Sequence"

and here is the beautiful Miss Sara Toy from the Dance team

I was trying to find Nate but I just kept looking past him! (If you look carefully you can see him in this picture. He is the one with the sunglasses on.)

I finally found him as he was walking away from us! LOL Oh well I thought about telling them they had to go back and do it again because I needed a picture but didnt think they would appreciate it much!

And then it was over.
On a serious note though, I would like to say a special thank you to all of those who risk their lives to protect our freedom, and to those who have given their lives for our country. THANK YOU!
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