Before i left for Atlantic City. He was supposed to get this cast off in just a few short days and he couldn't be more excited! Unfortunately they took this one off and put a new one on! Poor Guy! I have to say though we were all happy to see this one go it was getting pretty nasty!
This was right before we left yesterday to see the Orthopedic Dr. at Children's Hospital. He was supposed to be able and have the cast removed on September 22 however the bone was not healed. They put him in a new cast for another two weeks. He chose bright orange this time.

And still not healed! Four weeks in this thing! Good news is he can take it off to shower. The Dr. also wants him to try and exercise it a bit by rolling his wrist once or twice a day. He says it still hurts a bit. Hopefully When we go back in November it will have healed more and he can get rid of everything completely.
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