Life as a Bakers Wife

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Atlantic City - Day 3 (The Aquarium)

On the last day of our trip, once we checked out of our room, we stopped by the Aquarium. Here is King Neptune Welcoming us. The Atlantic City Aquarium
We got there a little early so we checked out all around.

This was an old diving bell that was used on the Steel Pier
Yep that's us! Here we are posing with the fishy!

Here is the star fish I got to touch in the "touch tank"
Some Pretty tropical fish.

Inside the aquarium.
More Tropical Fish.

Look I found Nemo!!!!
And some jellyfish. Not quite like the ones on the beach!
A big old stingray. You could touch him if you wanted, but I chose to stay away!
Look at the size of the Piranha. You do not want to touch these guys!
Some cute turtles
The Rainforest area

A fresh water stingray. Again I did not touch him.
look the iguana is smiling at me!
This little guy was trying to sell me car insurance!
This was a pretty lighthouse someone painted with ocean life all over it.
These are some old diving helmets.

The view from on top of the aquarium.

a sundial down below. It wasn't sunny so we couldn't tell the time.
The last thing we saw when leaving Atlantic City! We really had an amazing trip! I was thrilled to get to sea the ocean! It was everything I thought it would be and then some. Thanks so much Alan! I love You so much!