Life as a Bakers Wife

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Son's a Teenager!!!

13 years ago today was one of the scariest days of my life. I woke up having no idea that I was about to become a mother, I still had six weeks to go. But I did, at 10:19pm I gave birth to a beautiful 6lb 8oz 19 1/2 inch baby boy whom I named Nathaniel Cole. He was premature and had to be life flighted very quickly to Pittsburgh where they took extra special care of him. After his visit there he was sent back to the hospital he was born in until his heart rate stopped dropping. Finally on May 14th we were able to take our little man home. I was so happy! Its hard to believe that he is 13 today! WOW a teenager, where has time gone? from this

Here he is eating his birthday cake on his 4th birthday (same age as Emberly)

and here he is now! Look how handsome! I know the days ahead are gonna be bumpy, but things started out for him rough so he will be just fine!