Life as a Bakers Wife

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Man I Love

Sometimes I get so carried away scrapping all of the kiddos I forget about the wonderful man that I have who lets me scrap all the time with very little complaint ( well most of the time anyway ) So tonight I felt the urge to scrap about us. For our anniversary one year he bought me this Boyds Bear that said it all " We may not have it all together, but together we have it all" That's so true! As long as I have him and the kids in my life there is nothing more I could possibly want. So here is my LO of us. Using Penny Springmann's "Love You!" kit

photo's by Cherished Photography

Well that's it for tonight besides the start of American Idol, however hubby got bored with it and watched the Penguin's beat the Flyer's. Go Penn's!!