Life as a Bakers Wife

Monday, November 30, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

I got a beautiful new Christmas tree this year! For the last several years I have had a multi colored light tree. My hubby said that you should have colors for the kids. But now my kids are growing up and I am sure they care less about the color of the lights than what is underneath it Christmas morning. The other thing about Christmas trees past is that I never really had a lot of room for a bigger tree and there for was stuck with the smaller slimmer versions. Don't get me wrong I have loved my past trees, but this year I was ready for a change. So here is my beautiful new tree!
and here it is all lit up! Well all but the star we have to get an extension cord so we can plug it in. and these are my beautiful new ornaments that I bought to go on the new tree.

I did get the boys their ornaments, but they haven't been home to see them or put them on the tree yet, so I will show them off later.
So there you go there is our tree, now let the Christmas Season begin!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!

It has been so long since I have actually posted on here. I know! I am slacking! But In my defense my household was hit pretty good with the dreaded "Swine" Flu! I know there I go swearing on my blog. Technically AJ was the only one tested, but being that he came back positive I guess its pretty safe to assume we all had it. It was horrible too, The aches where the absolute worst ever! But we have all since recovered and turned in our curly tails.
Today is Thanksgiving! We had a wonderful dinner at Kim and Mike's, boy can they cook! Hours later and I am still stuffed to the top. I love spending time with my family, after all that's what holidays are for. I am so Thankful for all of my family. For Alan, he is an incredible husband! He went to work for me today so that I could enjoy the holiday. I love him SO much! For my boys! They are amazing little men. I am so thankful to have been blessed with two wonderful kids whom so far haven't given me too much trouble. (I don't want to count my I am Thankful for my parents who are always there for us whether it we need to borrow the GPS or just an ear for listening. Then there are my sisters, I love them all in their own special little ways and I hope you all know it!
Well it has been a very long day, and I think I might try and brave the crowds before I head off to work tomorrow so I guess I should hit the sack. Oh yeah I scrapbooked a page! It is from many moons ago when I was a junior in high school. I found this picture from a friend on FB and well I knew I had to do something with it

We had such a good time with this show! Wow its hard to believe that was over 15 years ago!


Friday, November 6, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like...........

Hey look! I scrapped! Maybe I should clean it up! LOL! Its like 1am please ignore my horrible attempts at humor. I did however scrap a page to share! (There have been some other secret things going on behind the scenes, but shhhhh! they are secrets!)

so check it out
I know I am 1. either way too early for this Christmas, or 2. Really, really late for last Christmas. but as my wonderful mother pointed out to me tonight there are something like 50 shopping days till Christmas. Well off to bed with me, I think it might be safer for all those involved. Good Night.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

All Better

August 08, 2009 and after......
November 03, 2009
Finally! All is healed with Nathan's wrist and he can ease into normal activity! This makes him so happy since hunting season is just around the corner.