Saturday, February 28, 2009
Tiny Dancer

Thursday, February 26, 2009
An Interesting Fact
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My Little Buddies

(Credits: "Any Which Way" by Traci Reed and Lauren Grier at SSD, Beadazzled Alpha: squared off by Traci Reed, and Date Bits by Misty Cato)

(Credits: "My Tea's Gone Cold" by Lauren Grier at SSD)
That's about it for now. Gonna go and watch group two tonight on American Idol and hit the sack.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Lizard Lips

its a fun kit with bright colors and awesome elements A must have for those with boys or even girls! What kids don't love lizards! and here is my LO using it
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Few LO's

(Credits: "Fantabulous You" by Julie Billingsley and Eva Kipler)
Here is another page I did the other night too

(Credits: "Rough n' Tough" by Michelene Martin and Melissa Bennett)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I'm an Oddball?
heres what mine said!
You Are an Oddball |
You tend to be understated and under appreciated. You have a hidden force to do amazing things, doing them your own way. People may see you as strange and shy, but they know little. Your unconventional ways have more power than they (and even you) know. Your strength: Standing up for what you know is true Your weakness: You tend to be picky and rigid Your power color: Silver Your power symbol: Square Your power month: April |
Funny April is the month I married my wonderful hubby!!!! And gave birth to my two beautiful sons!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Blah Day!

(Credits: Dani Mogstad's "Frosted Flakes" kit from SSD)
Well that's all from me tonight. Good Night and I really hope tomorrow is a better day!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Good Morning!

And this is how it inspired me. Keeping with the multiple photos and the clean lines. Here is my LO

(Credits: "Grid Iron Glory" by Julie Billingsley, and Bree Clarkson's "Borderline: Simple" pack all from SSD)
So that's about it for now, you might wanna pop back in later and see if I added anything more. That will depend on how badly the laundry takes over my day!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Another Challenge LO

(Credits: Elements from Libby Weifenbach's "Peanuts and Crackerjacks", Penny Springmann's "Game On", overlay by Penny Springmann, and Alpha by Zoe Pearn "Funky Bets")
New Release

I really love the colors of this kit and that the alpha and tags in this kit are like vellum. So beautiful! Here is a LO I did using this kit. This is my sister and holding our new nephew for the very first time without all of his IV's and such.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Enjoy :)

Another Challenge was to do a LO about Loving Yourself, I always find it a little harder to scrap about myself, but I did this one anyway and am pretty happy with the results.

Friday, February 13, 2009
The tag is that I am supposed to list 6 interesting things about myself and than link back to the one who tagged me and tag 6 friends. So, here are 6 things about me....
1. I am a twin, and even though we are not identical everyone thinks we are. She is my best friend and oddly enough we really can feel each others pains!
2. I currently work as a cook for the county jail, but my dream job is to be a neonatal nurse. Sadly It is not the best point in my life to return to school and pursue this.
3. I love music and in high school participated in show choir, chorus, and musical theatre. I dreamed to one day perform on Broadway, but picked up smoking as a bad habit and destroyed any chances for that ever happening.
4. I hate calling people I don't know on the phone! everyone I know thinks that I'm crazy because I am a highly outgoing person. But It takes me a while to warm up to new people, and since I don't know the person on the other end it makes me nervous. Now the people I do know can't get me off the phone!!...LOL
5. I have an addiction to Medical Drama's on TV. I have to watch my shows weekly and you can't bother me during them. ( Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and ER) and I have almost every Season of these on DVD!
6. I am secretly having a love affair with Garth Brooks (OK I can dream can't I)
I don't really know too many other people who blog yet so again I will have to think on who to send this to. But At least I answered them :)
The Great Valentine's Day Party Save!
Your Word is "Love" |
Relationships are the center of your world, and you always take time to bond with those you love. You are caring and giving. You enjoy helping those you love. And when it comes to romantic love, you feel passionately ... even in a very long term relationship. |
(Credits: Penny's Printables: Heart Pockets with treats from SSD)
(Credits: Penny's Printables: Love Treats from SSD)
So The kiddo got his treats ( which by the way he said they were the coolest in his class) and the world did not come to an end! Yippee!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Silly Girl in a Box with a Dragon!

(credits: "Smooches" by Mellisa Bennett at Sweet Shoppe Designs)
Here is a link to the LO I lifted by Di-ahh called "Just Looking Close"
Another cool challenge is the hybrid challenge. It encourages those of us who don't typically do hybrid projects to give it a try. And for those who do gives them new and exciting ideas. This challenge was to think inside the box. Really! It was on origami box made from paper. I found this super easy and will definitely find myself using it again. Here is my try at the challenge.

(credits: "Sweetest Heart" By Penny Springmann & Brandy Designs at Sweet Shoppe Designs)
The Challenge for today was to follow the rule of thirds. This one I struggled a little with because well I just like to put things on my page wherever. But on this page I tried to put the main focal points within the points of intersection. I also added my element cluster in the corner in threes and put on three felt stars. It may not be perfect but hey I tried!

Nothing too exciting else going on. Same old, Same old. SO I guess I'm off to either go to bed or who knows maybe scrap some more. However, I need some new pics of Emmie and Vinny (hint hint)
Monday, February 9, 2009

(Credits: "Take me Dancing" by Lauren Grier)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Lazy Day

(credits: "Mud Pie" by Melissa Bennett at Sweet Shoppe Designs)
Tuesday AJ goes for his pulmonary function test at Children's so we will get the testing underway finally. I just hope they can get everything figured out and get him doing better quickly. Asthma alone is a scary thing but with all these other complications its been a real nightmare.
Well I suppose I should go get some laundry or something done, that way I can say I at least did something productive today.
Friday, February 6, 2009
New Stuff!

They are so beautiful! The papers are just amazing and the elements are just WOW!
I also had to jump on the custom font bandwagon! Every one's are so amazing I just had to have one for myself. So check it out!
and here is a LO I did using my new font and "Organically Yours" by ScrapKitchen Designs, Manda Bean, and Eva Kipler. This was done for the Spin -a-lift challenge at SSD and this is the LO I lifted of Amy's
and this is mine
The Sweet Shoppe is celebrating its third birthday and for the blog challenge this month we are supposed to tell about one of out fondest birthday memories. One of my most favorite memories would have to be my son's first birthday. I think thats when I realized that if I made it through the first year then I was moving in the right direction. That and watching him smear cake all over himself! I made him his very own little birthday cake chocolate with green icing and he had it all over himself, in his hair everywhere. Well its getting late and I have to go to work good and early so I best get my rear end off to bed.
Good Night!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Steeler LO

(credits: Julie Billingsley's "Iron Grid Glory" kit from SSD)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Bowl Sunday! GO STEELERS!!!

Sorry Mom your decorations had to go! (Notice the upside down cardinals!)
Some snack boxes I made up with Heather Roselli's new templates and Julie Billingsley's kit "Grid Iron Glory"
The Grand Baby's (and not so baby's)
The family posing quickly at half time for a group shot!